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In a large skillet over moderate heat, cook the garlic, anchovy’s and fennel seeds in the EVO oil till garlic starts to colour, add in the shredded Cavalo Nero along with a 1/3 cup of water, cook for 2 to 3 minutes before adding in the Tomberrys and the tomato purée continue cooking for several more moments before folding through cooked pasta.


1 x 400pkt @pastificiogmirollo Fusillettti cooked till tender

1/3 cup @awesomefoodcompany extra virgin olive oil

5 large cloves of garlic peeled and finely sliced

1 tablespoon fennel seeds

12 anchovy fillets

1 large bunch Cavolo Nero washed shredded

2 cups of #bagnomaria strained tomato purée

1 punnet of @tomberry_aus