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In a heavy-based pan over moderate heat seal the beef shin in the olive oil. Once browned remove and set aside, tip in the onions, carrots, celery, garlic cloves, thyme, orange zest and sauteĢ for a few moments add back the beef shin along with the red wine, olives and tomato passata. Cover with parchment paper or a tight fitting lead and set to cook on medium low heat for 3 1/2 hours or till meat is tender and falling away from the bone. Allow to cool before shredding the meat, remove any bones. Place meat and sauce back over the heat and reduce by 1/3 to a half till sauce is slightly thicker in consistency. Add in the cooked pasta to heat through, remove from heat before adding in the creme fresh, Parmesan, rocket and finely chopped parsley. Serve immediately


1kg oxtail or beef / veal shim ( osso bucco )

Sea salt flakes

3 tablespoons @awesomefoodcompany extra virgin olive oil + juniper

1 large onion finely diced

1 large carrot finely diced

5 cloves chopped garlic

2 sticks of celery finely diced

2 cups @loumirandaestate #sangrantino (red wine )

2 strips orange peel

1/2 cup wild olives

8 sprigs of fresh thyme

1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper

500gms cooked IROLLO gluten free #cassarecce pasta

Creme fraiche

3 cups baby Rocket / arugula


1/2 cup Wild olives Mint